CCTV once exposed several major safety hazards of current smart locks in the “Weekly Quality Report” area, including:

Security risks of small black box attacks

The risk monitoring collected 38 brands and 40 models of smart lock products in physical stores and e-commerce platforms, of which 7 batches were from physical stores, and the remaining 33 batches were from,, Tmall, etc. 商平台. The test results showed that 6 batches of products out of 40 samples were disturbed by Tesla coils (small black boxes), accounting for 15%.

Security risks in biometrics

Among the 40 batches of smart locks monitored, 36 batches have fingerprint identification functions, and 10 of them have certain security risks. When these 10 batches of smart locks are interfered by foreign objects such as hair strands, metal wires, tapes, or cracks in the fingerprint recognition area, any fingerprint can be unlocked.

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However, some netizens think that it is not necessary to over-enlarge the hidden dangers of smart locks:

Prevent small black box interference

It can be seen from the monitoring results that most of the products can resist the attack of the Tesla coil (small black box). Experts from the National General Electronic Components Quality Supervision and Inspection Center said: From a professional point of view, as long as a certain increase in cost, it is possible to prevent Tesla coil interference, and mainstream manufacturers on the market have basically solved this problem.



Enhanced biometrics

In order to save costs, some manufacturers introduce low-end algorithms (especially low-end image algorithms) to the smart lock industry, so that non-fingerprint images can also be unlocked. In fact, the general regular brands basically use the “feature point extraction algorithm” or even the “feature + image” algorithm, which greatly improves the accuracy of fingerprint recognition and has strong anti-interference.


It can be seen that attacks on the security of smart locks by Tesla coils and non-fingerprint images can actually be well protected. As long as you choose mainstream, regular, and quality manufacturers, the safety performance of smart locks is still guaranteed.

Especially when choosing locks such as “secure smart locks” that have higher requirements for confidentiality and safety performance, you need to keep your eyes open and choose a formal company that meets national confidentiality standards and whose products have national confidentiality certification.


Anyone who has used a security smart lock knows that a good lock can often make security workers fall in love with it.

Next, take Guub, who has been focusing on security technology for 29 years, as an example, and talk about the charm of those security smart locks.


(Guub Z168 fingerprint password lock)



Guub’s confidential smart locks have passed the inspection and certification of the National Secrecy Technology Evaluation Center. They are products that meet the national secrecy standards and are trusted brands.

When subjected to violent damage or continuous wrong codes, it will automatically trigger the loud alarm device of the Guub security smart lock. In addition, the Guub security smart lock also has a timeout lock prompt function, which has a high security protection value.



Farewell key

One of the main design concepts of Guub smart lock is to “completely bid farewell to the key” and let yourself become the key itself.

For confidential workers, the trouble caused by “lost keys” may be directly linked to the survival of a company or even a country. Therefore, bidding farewell to the key will directly cut off the leaks caused by the key from the source.

Regarding the security risks of biometrics, there is no need to worry about choosing Guub confidential smart locks. Guobao fingerprint lock uses semiconductor fingerprint identification chip and Guub’s self-developed fingerprint collection analysis and verification algorithm. The rejection rate is ≤0.02%, and the false recognition rate is ≤0.0001%. It has the powerful advantage of high-precision identification of living biological fingerprints.


Block the small black box

The Tesla coil (also known as the “small black box”) can generate high-frequency and high-intensity electromagnetic pulses through the interaction between electronic components to affect the electronic circuit inside the smart lock, so as to achieve the purpose of unlocking the lock.

GUUB confidential smart lock pays great attention to preventing electromagnetic interference during research and development, and emphasizes on strengthening safety protection in the logical framework of its development. The safety performance of the lock is strictly controlled during production, and there is no fear of small black boxes


Riot clutch

Guub has developed a riot-proof clutch invention patent. When the knob is twisted violently, the clutch block is separated from the rotating cam. It has a very good anti-breaking function and can reset the knob to its original position, which protects the lock well and prolongs its service life.

Guub Z158 fingerprint password lock


Smart navigation

Guub high-performance security smart lock is also equipped with a voice navigation system, which has a high level of intelligence. Voice navigation guide operation, with functions such as querying records, setting unlock mode, changing password, entering fingerprints, etc., the operation is quite convenient and powerful.

Lock the cabinet well and protect it. Even though some people on the market still have concerns about using smart locks, Guub believes that those Guub confidential smart locks made with great efforts will surely stand the test of time and use professional confidentiality technology. Light up the “heartbeat signal” of security workers.


Some texts and pictures are from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

Post time: Apr-18-2022